IRISH ENGLISH: Varies depending from the province you are from, and even from the area or neighbourhood within the same city.., Known for being very melodic, "I" is pronounced as /oi/ (as in "oil"): "right", "side" and "ou" sounds like /eu/: "down", "flower"., AMERICAN ENGLISH: Mainly characterised by linking and blending sounds, connecting speech, Letter "r" is pronounced and rolled in words like "far", "car", "mother" or "better"..  , /t/ becomes /d/ when surrounded by vowel sounds ("water", "better", "little").), AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH: A mixture of American and British pronunciation, Social class and economic status have a great influence on the accent., "Butter" sounds like "buddah". , INDIAN ENGLISH: Huge variety of different accents depending on the speaker's region, social class, economic status, education and native language., English is used by local and national governments for everyday transactions in a country with many official languages., No aspiration in the /t/ sound. Letter "t" is pronounced as in Spanish., SINGAPOREAN ENGLISH: Frequent pauses in speech., Tends to imitate the American accent, as a sign of higher economical and educational status  , The /θ/ (th) sound is pronounced as /t/ or /d/., NEW ZEALAND ENGLISH: It has got more or less the same characteristics across the country., Increasingly influenced by the local indigenous language in terms of vocabulary.., Letter "e" is pronounced as /i/ ("pin" for "pen" or "dick" for "deck"), SOUTH AFRICAN ENGLISH: Some speakers don't make a difference between some vowel sounds in English as their mother tongue has 5 vowel sounds., Certain accents and their speakers have traditionally been considered as better than others., English was influenced by coexisting with other official languages, BRITISH ENGLISH: "-ar" endings are pronounced as /ɑː/ and "-er" endings are pronounced with the schwa /ə/., Letter "t" is pronounced as /t/ with a sort of aspiration in words like "matter", "No" and "blow" are pronounced with the schwa: /nəu/ and /bləu/ instead of the /ou/ sound.,



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