1) A Excuse me, how do we get to ... ? В Go out of the main door and turn right. Go straight on, past the theatre. It's on the left. a) an art gallery b) the caravan park c) a hairdresser's d) the Opal Centre e) the school f) the theatre 2) A Excuse me, could you give us some directions, please? В Yes, of course. How can I help you? A Thanks. We want to get to ... . В OK, well go out of the tourist information centre and turn right. Take the second road on the right. Turn left at the end of the road into Harlequin Street. Go straight ahead for ten minutes. Take the third turning on the right. It's on Opal Street on the left.   a) an art gallery b) the caravan park c) a hairdresser's d) the hosital e) the school f) the theatre 3) A Excuse me, where's ...?  В Go out of the main door and turn right. Take the first road on the left, then turn right into Kaolin Street. Go straight on for ten minutes. It’s on the corner of Kaolin Street and Opal Street. a) an art gallery b) the caravan park c) a hairdresser's d) the Opal Centre e) the school f) the theatre

4.4 ex2a


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