The sibling who died when Romulus and Remus fought was ____. An Empire is a group of ____ controlled by one ____ or person. This could be an ____ (Male leader) or ____ (Female leader). Rome expanded for many reasons, such as: ____ type of goods; Using ____ currency to make ____ easier; More ____; Control of hostile ____. There are countless ways the Roman empire grew. But there are three ways they expanded: ____, ____, or ____. As the population of ____ grew ____, the Romans needed to trade with many countries for ____ and other ____. The Roman ____ gradually began ____ other countries. These countries were known as provinces. People in ____ were given a form of roman ____ if they agreed to ____ for Rome. In this way the Romans ____ their armies and made ____ of people who once had been their ____. Rome was founded in what we now know as ____. Roman Armies: Weapons and Tactics: - A soldier's weapons included a ____ stabbing ____, two throwing ____, a dagger and a heavy ____ for attack and ____.-Roman soldiers worked as a ____ in battle and practised ____ like the testudo for storming defences. -Roman ____ were trained to slash the back of ____ legs in ____. Roman Armies: Barbarian weakness: -A barbarian ____ was usually ____ with a sword or a spear and ____ had any ____. -The ____ were not as well ____ as the Roman army. Roman Armies: Rewards: -After ____ years of service an ____ was ____ to receive a large sum of money and ____ ____. -It was a well-paid job and when a soldier ____ after twenty-five years of service a ____ was given a lump of ____ and a small piece of ____. Roman Armies: Organization: -The army was divided into ____ types of soldiers, ____ and ____. -Each group was ____ into groups. ____ men were under the control of a ____. Roman Armies: Discipline: -Soldiers who fell behind during their training had their ____ of food ____. -Soldiers who were ____ or failed to work as a team during a battle were ____ to death. -If a ____ lost its standard or eagle in battle, then every ____ man would be ____. -A centurion carried a ____ staff as a sign of power to ____ any man who did not do his ____ properly. Roman Armies: Recruitment: -The Roman army ____ ____ soldiers. -"The ____ of the Roman ____ depends upon the recruits you chose; so choose men who are ____ not only in body but mind aswell." The Roman Republic: The people of rome could be divided into 3 classes, ____, ____, and ____. There were two types of citizens, the ____ and the Plebians.: The patricians lived in wealth while the ____ were the common folk. There were 4 main parts of government, ____, ____, ____, and ____. The non-citizens were, ____, ____, and ____ (lived in conquered lands) The city of Pompeii is famous because it was destroyed in ____ ____ when a nearby volcano, Mount ____, erupted, covering it in at least 19 feet (6 metres) of ash and other ____ debris. The city's quick burial preserved it for ____ before its ruins were ____ in the late ____ century. About 2,000 ____ died in the city, but the eruption in total killed up to 16,000 people in Pompeii, ____ and other towns and villages in the region.

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