She isn't studying - She is listening to music , They aren't sweeping the floor - They are studying at the library , He isn't washing up - He is watching a TV show , He isn't feeding his cat - He is washing up after a dinner , They aren't doing laundry - They are exercising at the gym , He isn't ironing his T-shirt - He is doing his Saturday laundry, She isn't leaving the house - She is feeding her cat , He isn't drawing - He is ironing his white T-shirt, They aren't cooking dinner - They are sweeping in the park , They aren't buying presents - They are cooking a Sunday dinner , They aren't talking - They are buying presents, He isn't driving a car - He is carrying a bag, They aren't eating lunch - They are cleaning room, He isn't playing guitar - He is drawing, He isn't carrying a bag - He is driving a car, She isn't drawing - She is leaving the house, He isn't exercising - He is playing guitar, She isn't waiting for a flight - She is reading a book, He isn't wearing a winter jacket - He is showing his new watch, She isn't working - She is sitting, They aren't cleaning room - They are standing, They aren't standing - They are talking, He isn't showing his new watch - He is wearing a winter jacket, She isn't reading a book - She is waiting for a flight, She isn't sitting - She is working , They aren't listening to music - They are eating lunch,
PC +/- unjumble
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Tämä tulostaulu on poistettu käytöstä, koska vaihtoehdot eroavat tehtävän omistajan vaihtoehtoista.
Palauta Optiot
Järjestä sanat lauseeksi
on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.
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Visuaalinen tyyli
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Vaihda mallia
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