1) What element in the Periodic Table has one proton? a) Hydrogen b) Helium c) Lithium d) Beryllium 2) The identity of an element depends on how many ______ it has. a) Neutron b) Proton c) Electron d) Atoms 3) If we combine the quarks, we can form ______ and ______. a) Protons and Neutrons b) Protons and Atoms c) Neutrons and Atoms d) Hydrogen and Helium 4) What were the four light elements formed after the Big Bang? a) Hydrogen, Gold, Lithium, and Helium b) Hydrogen, Gold, Nitrogen and Iron c) Hydrogen, Carbon, Lithium, and Oxygen d) Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, and Beryllium 5) How were the light elements formed? a) by the combination of the quarks b) by the combination of the protons and electrons. c) by the combination of the protons and neutrons. d) by the combination of the quarks and protons. 6) Which of the following is a Subatomic particle with a unit charge + 1 and a mass of 1.0073? a) Nucleus b) Neutron c) Electron d) Proton 7) Which of the following are the three Subatomic particles? a) Nucleus – Isotopes – Electron b) Proton – Electron – Neutron c) Proton – Nucleus – Electron d) Electron – Isotopes – Proton 8) He postulated the billiard ball model of atom. a) John Dalton b) Joseph John Thomson c) Rutherford d) Neil Bohr 9) Who discovered electrons? a) John Dalton b) Joseph John Thomson c) Rutherford d) Neil Bohr 10) Democritus described the smallest particles as Atomos which means _______________________. a) Undestructive b) Undeniable c) Uncuttable d) Unbelievable 11) It is the key term characterizing alchemy, which means changing ordinary metals to gold. a) Transportation b) Transmission c) Transmutation d) Truncation 12) Which of the following is a subatomic particle which has a unit charge of - 1 and mass of 0.0005 4858? a) Electron b) Neutron c) Proton d) Nucleus 13) It is also known as primordial nucleosynthesis a) Big bang nucleosynthesis b) Stellar Nucleosynthesis c) Supernova Nucleosynthesis d) None of the above 14) How elements heavier than iron are formed? a) Big bang nucleosynthesis b) Stellar nucleosynthesis c) Solar nucleosynthesis d) Supernova 15) What is the process by which elements are formed within the stars as a result of nuclear fusion? a) Big bang nucleosynthesis b) Nebula c) Nuclear fusion d) Stellar nucleosynthesis



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