Alimentary Canal - The entire length of the digestive tube, Bile - A substance that breaks down fats, Chemical Digestion - A type of digestion which alters the molecules, Chyme - Food altered by the stomach, Digestion - The breaking down of food, Enzymes - A special protein which causes a reaction to happen, Epiglottis - A flap of tissue which covers the trachea, Esophagus - A tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach, Gall Bladder - A storage sac for bile, Mechanical digestion - The process where food is broken down physically., Pancrease - Produces enzymes to break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, Pepsin - An enzyme that digests proteins, Peristalsis - The rhythmic movement of muscles in the esophagus, Pharynx - Connects the oral and nasal cavities to the esophagus, Rectum - The last stop before elimination of wastes from the body, Ulcer - A condition where stomach lining is worn way by HCL, Villi - Small finger-like projections containing capillaries,



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