1) What does CSS stand for? a) Creative Style Sheets b) Colorful Style Sheets c) Computer Style Sheets d) Cascading Style Sheets 2) Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet? a) <css> b) <style> c) <script> 3) What is the correct CSS syntax (CSS Rule)? a) body { color: black; } b) body: color = black; c) { body: color = black; } d) { body; color: black; } 4) How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements? a) all.h1 { background-color: #FFFFFF; } b) h1 { background-color: #FFFFFF; } c) h1.all { background-color: #FFFFFF; | 5) How do you select an element with the id 'demo'? a) *demo b) .demo c) #demo d) demo 6) How do you select elements with the class name 'test'? a) .test b) *test c) #test d) test


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