1) My family and I ... to the beach every summer. a) goes b) go c) is going d) going 2) ... you .... TV at the moment? a) Is... watching b) Do ... watching c) Are ... watching d) Do ... watch 3) Mary ... strawberries. a) not like b) doesn't like c) don't like d) isn't liking 4) ... Jason ... to school every day? a) Does ... walk b) Does ... walks c) Is ... walking d) Do ... walk 5) Jake and Billy ... to music now. a) isn't listening b) doesn't listen c) don't listen d) aren't listening 6) ... Peter and Paul ... tennis on Sundays? a) Do ... play b) Are ... playing c) Is ... playing d) Does ... play 7) Joseph ... his homework now. a) doing b) is doing c) does d) are doing 8) Ben ... now. a) does sleep b) doesn't sleep c) isn't sleeping d) sleeping


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