1) Where … you from? a) is b) am c) are 2) How … are you? a) old b) many c) much 3) He is … a) engineer b) an engineer  c) a engineer 4) Are … Kate? a) we b) you c) they 5) _______ open the window. It is cold. a) Do b) Isn't c) Don't 6) A: How old are you? B: I _________ . a) have 30 years b) am 30 years c) am 30 7) My mother _______ . a) doesn't cooks b) don't cook c) doesn't cook 8) Are you busy? No, we ... . a) aren’t b) are c) is 9) A: What _____________ for living? B: I'm unemployed. a) do you do b) do you work c) do you 10) Michael is ___________ . a) my boyfriend's sister b) my sister's boyfriend  c) boyfriend my sister 11) I love ____________ !` a) cars fast b) fast cars c) fasts cars 12) What time _________ ? a) you go to bed b) do you go to bed c) do go to bed you 13) _________________ fruit for lunch. a) I always have b) I have always c) Always I have 14) It's __________ a) qauarter to seven b) qauarter past seven c) qauarter to eight 15) Our meeting is ________ Friday. a) on b) at c) in 16) He goes to English classes __________________ . a) one time a week b) one a week c) once a week 17) A: _________ read maps? B: Not very well. a) Can you b) Do you can c) Can 18) I ... to sleep late. I’m an owl. a) often go b) never go c) ever go d) go often 19) My sister hates _________ . a) watch football b) watching football c) to watching football 20) I don’t know what to do, ... I ask her? a) should b) must c) can 21) She says she doesn't like __________ . a) him b) he c) his 22) A: What do you think of this music? B: I _____ . a) love b) love her c) love it 23) A: Is this your bag? B: Yes, _______ . a) it's my b) it's mine c) it's the mine 24) ________ the first American president? a) Were he b) Did he be c) Was he 25) They ________ to him yeasterday. a) didn't talk b) didn't talked c) don't talk 26) I _____________ a lot at university.  a) studyed b) studied c) studed 27) You won’t believe what I’ve ... seen! a) yet b) just c) already 28) What _____ last weekend? a) you did b) did you c) did you do 29) What time __________ ? a) did you got up b) did you get up c) got you up 30) How many rooms ___________ in the house? a) is there b) are there c) there are 31) Listen! The neighbours ___________ very loudly again! a) talk b) talking c) are talking 32) A: What ________ ? B: The are engineers. a) are they doing b) do they do c) they do 33) The shop __________ at 8 o'clock. a) opens b) is opening c) open 34) There isn't __________ sugar. a) some b) an c) any 35) I ___________ coffee. a) don't drink many b) don't drink much c) drink quite 36) У меня мало времени a) I have no time b) I have a little time c) I have few time 37) _________ water do you drink? a) How many b) How much c) How 38) Where ______ to go next summer? a) do you go b) you going c) are you going 39) I'm sure you _______ very happy. a) are going to be b) go to be c) are going be 40) Are flats _______ in Moscow than in London? a) expensiver b) most expwnsivw c) more expensive 41) Tea is __________ for you than lemonade. a) badder b) worse c) worst 42) Is this __________ building in the city? a) the old b) the most old c) the oldest 43) ______________ travel by plane? a) Do you like b) Would you like to c) You would like 44) Brits drive ____________ . a) carefully b) careful c) carefuly 45) __________ Germany or Spain? a) Have you been b) Have you been to c) Have you be to 46) If she had known about the traffic, she __________ a different route. a) would take b) takes c) would have taken 47) I've read the book but I haven't ___________ the series. a) see b) saw c) seen 48) A: Have you ever made a phone call in another language? B: Yes, I ______ .  a) have b) do c) did 49) ___________ she driven a BMW before? a) Did b) Have c) Has 50) We ________ to Spain last summer. a) go b) have been c) went 51) You .............. another job pretty soon. I have a feeling that you're going to get fired before long. a) would have started to look for b) 'd better start to look for c) 'd better start looking for 52) He spends all his time ________me, because he owes me money. a) preventing b) avoiding c) awaiting

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