1) A Western movement in decorative and visual art. a) Byzantine b) Romanticism c) Neoclassicism d) Medieval 2) An influential French painter whose subjects of paintings were more on history. a) Jean-Auguste Ingres b) James Renwick c) Jacques-Louis David d) Jean-Paul Marat 3) He was the first internationally acclaimed Danish artist who executed sculptures of mythological and religious themed characters. a) Antonio Canova b) Guillermo Tolentino c) Bertel Thorvaldsen d) Fracois Rude 4) He was a prolific Italian artist and sculptor who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh. a) Antonio Canova b) Bertel Thorvaldsen c) Fracois Rude d) Guillermo Tolentino 5) Temple style buildings were based on Andrea Palladio’s style of villa construction. a) True b) False c) Maybe d) I don't know 6) Classical Block Style features a rectangular or square plan, with a flat roof and an exterior rich in classical details. a) True b) False c) Maybe d) I don't know 7) The movement in which the artist of neo-classical period sought to break new ground in the expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy. a) Baroque b) Romanticism c) Sculpture d) Shell 8) The first French master and the leader of the French realistic school. His masterpieces are energetic, powerful, brilliantly colored and tightly composed. a) Gericault b) Velasquez c) Caravaggio d) Bernini 9) The artist that is commissioned as Romantic Painter by the King of Spain a) Gericault b) Delacroix c) Rubens d) Goya 10) Romantic sculpture can be divided into works that concern human and natural world. a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes d) Not sure 11) French sculptor best in social art and captured the interest of a broad public a) Velasquez b) Theodore Rousseau c) Francois Rude d) Gericault 12) He was the most famous animal sculptor of all time, studied anatomy of his subjects by sketching residents of the Paris Zoo a) Jean Baptiste- Camille Corot b) Theodore Rousseau c) Francois Rude d) Antoine -Louis Barye 13) Gothic Revival is an Architectural movement. a) No b) Sometimes c) Yes d) Not sure 14) The name behind Britain’s foremost Gothic Revival Monument the Westminster Palace. a) James Renwick b) Charles Barry c) Antoine -Louis Barye d) Velasquez 15) The architect and his crowning American work the St. Patrick Cathedral a) Antoine -Louis Barye b) Francois Rude c) Charles Barry d) James Renwick

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