1) Name the 3rd form a) BECOM b) BECAME c) BECOME d) BECAM 2) Name the 3rd form a) GET b) GOT c) GOOT d) GOD 3) Name the 3rd form a) RANG b) RING c) RUNG d) RENG 4) Name the 3rd form a) LEAD b) LAD c) LAED d) LED 5) Name the 3rd form a) DREW b) DRAWN c) DRON d) DREWN 6) Name the 3rd form a) TAIKEN b) TAKEN c) TAKN d) TEIKN 7) Name the 3rd form a) SEINT b) SENT c) SEID d) SEND 8) Name the 3rd form a) UNDERSTUD b) UNDERSTOD c) UNDERSTAND d) UNDERSTOOD 9) Name the 3rd form a) READ b) RAD c) RED d) RAED 10) Name the 3rd form a) HED b) HERD c) HEARD d) HEAR

B. Irr.verbs 2 ( Name the 3rd form)


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