1) He has never eaten Chinese food, a) has he? b) hasn't he? c) doesn't he? d) does he? 2) I'm getting old, a) am I? b) am not I? c) aren't I? d) don't I? 3) Don't make so much noise, a) will you? b) must you? c) do you? d) are you? 4) Let's go to the cinema, a) can we? b) will we c) won't we d) shall we? 5) Nothing serious happened, a) did it? b) didn't it? c) did they? d) didn't they? 6) No one lives here now, a) does he? b) doesn't he? c) do they? d) don't they? 7) There will be great music in the party, a) won't it? b) will it? c) won't there? d) will there? 8) This has been the best day ever, a) hasn't this? b) has this? c) has it? d) hasn't it? 9) Everyone feels anxious,  a) do they? b) don't they? c) does it? d) doesn't it? 10) The homework wasn't very difficult, a) is it? b) doesn't it? c) wasn't it? d) was it? 11) I'm not making a mistake, a) aren't I? b) am I? c) will I? d) shall I? 12) Karen told you she's pregnant, a) did she? b) didn't she? c) hasn't she? d) doesn't she? 13) Nobody attended the meeting, a) did they? b) didn't they? c) did he? d) didn't he? 14) I should apologise to the teacher, a) should I? b) don't I? c) shouldn't I? d) do I? 15) Matilda works in that new restaurant on the corner, a) didn't she? b) hasn't she? c) isn't she? d) doesn't she?

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