What are the occupations of your family members? Do you get along well with your family? What household chores do you do? , Why? Why do you like it? What skills are you good at?, Are you good at sports? What sports are you good at? Do you often play sports? What are some of the benefits of sports?, How long have you had a hobby?  Are there any hobbies you would like to try?, What is the best movie you have ever seen? Who was in it? Why did you like it?, Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most? Do you often eat out? Do you prefer fish or meat?, Whan is your birthday? How do you like to celebrate your birthday? What is your best/worst birthday memory? , Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?  How often do you go clothes shopping? Where do you like to go? Who do you like to go with? How much money do you usually spend?, What does he/she talk about? Would you like to be a Youtuber?, Why? What do you think it takes to be a good teacher? If you were going to be a teacher, what would you like to teach?, Describe 5 different things you do in summer and why?, Do you look more like your mother or your father? Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about? Do you often visit your grandparents?, What do you usually do on holiday? What did you do last year? What would you like to do next year?, Can you describe one of your closest friends? Do you make friends easily? How do you make new friends? How many people do you consider your "best friends?", What happened? What things upset you? How do you overcome your bad feelings?, What things make you happy? Do you make other people happy? How?, Do you do different things on rainy days?, What do you usually do on weekdays? , What do you usually do on weekends? (always/usually/often/sometimes/never), What things make you cry? Do you make other people cry? How?, Can you describe him/her? What makes him/her special?, Why? How often do you go there? Who do you go with?, Why? Do you think you can be inspiring to someone else? How?, Do you get sick very often? When was the last time you got sick? How did you feel? Who looks after you? , Describe him/her in 5 adjectives. How long have you been friends?, What are some characteristics of your personaDescribe Yourself in 5 Adjectives Are you ever shy or nervous? When do you feel shy/nervous? What’s something that makes you feel really enthusiastic / excited?.

Speaking questions A2-B1



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