1) At last! I __________________ the problem a) have solved b) have been solving c) have been solved 2) What __________________ recently? Anything interesting? a) have you done b) have you been doing c) have you been done 3) Oh no! What __________________!! a) have you done b) have you been doing 4) My brother __________________ a new motorbike. It looks great. a) has bought b) has been buying 5) __________________? Your hair looks wet. a) Have you swum b) Have you swam c) Have you swim d) Have you been swum e) Have you been swimming 6) Oh, there you are! I __________________ for you everywhere. a) have looked b) have been looked c) have been looking 7) Sorry we are late. How long __________________? a) have you waited b) have you been waiting 8) I __________________ Peter for a long time. a) have known b) have been knowing 9) My friends __________________ for two hours already. a) have run b) have been running 10) I __________________ Maths and Physics. a) have never understood b) have never been understanding 11) The children are tired because they __________________ all day. a) have played b) have been playing 12) Susan __________________ in ghosts and fairies. a) has never believed b) has never been believing 13) I __________________ emails all day. a) have written b) have been writing 14) John __________________ this film before. a) has never seen b) has never been seeing 15) What on earth __________________? You're covered in mud. a) have you done b) have you been doing 16) __________________ Altamira Cave? I hear it's incredibly beautiful. a) Have you ever seen b) Have you ever been seeing 17) How long __________________ English? For many years? a) has he learned b) has he been learning 18) I __________________ to my cousins. They told me the news. a) have have just spoken b) have just been speaking 19) I'm sorry. Monica is not here. She __________________ out. a) has gone b) has been gone c) has been going 20) We're really tired because we __________________ for the marathon since 8 o'clock. a) have trained b) have been training 21) __________________ doing your homework yet? a) Have you finished b) Have you been finishing 22) The students __________________ for their Spanish exam for two hours. a) have revised b) have been revising 23) Peter, why are you sweating? Because I __________________ the carpets. a) have vacuumed b) have been vacuuming 24) Is the lawn finished? Yes, Gonzalo __________________the grass. a) has cut b) has been cutting 25) It's still raining. It __________________ for hours. a) has rained b) has been raining 26) How much money __________________ this week? a) have you spent b) have you been spending


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