1) I'm not used to ________this early. a) get up b) getting up 2) As a teenager, I used to ____ a lot. a) reading b) read 3) You'll have to get used ________ on the right when you live there. a) to driving b) drive c) to drive 4) I didn't use to ____ it, but I do now. a) love b) liking c) like 5) I found it hard to get used __________ in such a hot country. a) living b) to living c) to live d) live 6) Where did you use _______ when you visited your family? a) staying b) to stay c) to staying 7) It took me a while to get used _____ the language. a) to speak b) speak c) spoke d) to speaking 8) Have you got used to ______ home office yet? a) working b) to working c) to work d) do 9) When I was a child, I used___________________________ a) to riding bikes b) to ride a bike c) riding my bike


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