If I had studied harder, - harder, I would have passed the exam with flying colors., If she had listened to my advice, - she wouldn't have made such a costly mistake., If they had arrived on time, - we would have caught the train to the city., If we had booked our tickets in advance, - we would have secured better seats for the concert., If he had saved money, - money, he could have bought the car he always dreamed of., If you had called me earlier, - I would have been able to help you with your computer problem., If they had taken the necessary precautions, - their house wouldn't have been damaged in the storm., If I had known it was going to rain, - I would have brought an umbrella with me., If she had studied abroad, - she would have gained a deeper understanding of different cultures., If we had won the lottery, - we would have traveled around the world.,

3rd conditional: reflecting on the past


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