red and blue - Our company utilises both teams to enhance security., blackballed - Their firm was............. over the bribery scandal. / Boycott, black and white. - I want those conditions down in.................., in the black - Their company has been .................. since the new product was launched. /, green shoots - Some encouraging ...... can be seen in the AI sector. / start ups, blue-pencilled - The information about the new strategy has been......... by the CEO. ... / restricted, to be blue pencilled - not given all information, pink slip - They gave me my....... last week; I was shocked. / notice of dismissal, a brownfield site. - The new OTP HQ is a good example of, Golden handcuffs - ....... are a good system of keeping valuable employees., blue-sky thinking. - Our new CFO gives extra credit to employees with ....., red tape - •Cutting down on ............. ..... is in sync with our paperless office strategy., silver surfer - The ....... group is slowly climbing., red ink - It is truly amazing how much ....... MÁV is bleeding. (to be struggling financially, as of a business; to be consistently losing money.), silver bullet - There is no .......... ........ that will solve the problem., brown bagging• - I'm ........ ...... today to save money. (take a packed lunch to work, school, et), blue ocean - Many new Asian CEOs already aspire to a.......... strategy in place of the ........ model., Red Ocean Strategy - firms fiercely compete to earn a larger share of existing demand, chasing rainbows. - Our new Sales Director is always, golden parachute - a prearranged contract with managers specifying that, in the event of a hostile takeover, the target firm's managers will be paid a significant severance package /I've renegotiated a huge ........ ...... in my new contract., golden handshake - large payment to someone on leaving a job, white elephant - I hope the recession doesn't make our new office block a.... You spend a lot of money that you will never use., coloured report - I read the highly ........... ........... on the big losses. the good aspects are exaggerated and the bad aspects are not mentioned, green shifting - The tendency to report project status in positive terms despite growing indications that serious problems exis, purple patch - Our company's going through a ...... ..... (A period of excellent performance where nearly everything seems to go right, contrasting with a lower general level of performance.), eroticism - the colour purple signifies (.... films, books), blue ribbon - A........- ...... panel was brought in to advise on strategy. (a symbol of high quality), blue-eyed boy - The new Commercial Director is the CEO's ........ ...... ..... . Favourite employer., non-negotiable - not open to discussion or modification, red lines. - We can't give up our ...... ........ . / non-negotiables,

Colours for Business


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