1) What is the website for NH EASY? a) nhez.gov b) nheasy.gov c) nheasy.nh.com d) nheasy.nh.gov e) nhe-z.gov 2) Where can you find/populate a PIN for a client a) On NHEASY -My Account b) New HEIGHTS -Customer Service c) New HEIGHTS - NH EASY Account Info  d) Its the clients Date of Birth 3) Does the client need to sign in NH EASY to access FORMS? a) Yes b) No c) No, but they need an account. 4) Can the client use NH EASY to apply for Benefits? a) Yes, New Applications only b) No c) Yes, only if they have applied in the past d) Yes, New Applicants and add new benefits to the case 5) Can clients use NH EASY to UPLOAD documents? a) No-They need to mail them or hand them in person. b) Yes, they can upload only if they have an account c) Yes, they can, no need account needed 6) Can the client use NH EASY to obtain information on other benefits not offered by DHHS? a) No, they should use Google b) Yes, its on the main page c) Yes, only if they log into their account d) Yes, they will need to submit a request for it. 7) Can the client report a change on NH EASY? a) Depends on what it is. b) Yes, they can report any changes about their case c) No, they need to call 1-800-ASK-DHHS d) Yes, only 1 change at a time 8) How can the client search for Forms? a) By category, keyword search, form number b) Form number, Language of document c) Keyword search or form number only d) By searching high and low.

NH Easy



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