1) Look! He ... , he ... ! a) isn't ironing, is sleeping b) iron, sleep c) irons, sleeps 2) I ... to the swimming pool twice a week. a) goes b) go c) is going 3) Ben hardly ever ... the plants. a) is watering b) water c) waters 4) Look! The monkey ... the dog! a) is feeding b) feeds c) feed 5) Mum always ... a day off on Sunday. a) having b) has c) have 6) Listen! Who ... the drums now? a) play b) plays c) is playing 7) We ... the rubbish every day. a) take out b) takes out c) taking out 8) Grandma usually ... the washing outside. a) hang out b) hangs out c) hanging out 9) The waiter ... the table at the moment. a) clears b) clear c) is clearing 10) We usually ... our chores at the weekend, but today we ... on holiday! a) do, are going b) do, go c) are doing, are going 11) My brother never ... the washing machine, but look! Today he ... it! a) is loading, loads b) loads, is loading c) load, loading 12) I can't talk to you, ... at the moment. a) I vacuums b) I vacuum c) I'm vacuuming 13) The nurses usually ... at the hospital. a) make beds b) makes beds c) are making beds 14) Mum sometimes ... dad's clothes. a) put away b) puts away c) is putting away 15) The dinner's ready! ... the table? a) Does she set b) Do you set c) Are you setting 16) We ... every year before Christmas. a) make decorations b) makes decorations c) are making decorations

GG3 Unit 1.3 Present Simple vs Present Continuous


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