1) Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas? a) Carbon Dioxide b) Methane c) Water Vapour d) Nitrogen 2) Greenhouse gases can be produced by humans in a number of ways. Which is the biggest source of methane? a) Coal power plants b) Cattle ranching c) Diesel engines d) Deforestation 3) Transport (motor vehicles and air travel) produce greenhouse gases when they burn fuels. What has opened in California to help reduce this? a) A solar powered monorail. b) A hydrogen fuel station. c) A rent-a-horse scheme. d) A 10 mile long zip-wire. 4) Deforestation contributes to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Why? a) Fewer trees to absorb carbon dioxide. b) Rotting vegetation produces methane. c) Trees intercept rainfall. d) Trees fix nitrogen in their roots. 5) Why has population growth in Asia led to increasing production of greenhouse gases? a) More rice paddies to feed people producing more methane. b) More transport is used so more carbon dioxide is produced. c) More deforestation to clear land for food production. d) More coal being burned to produce electricity. 6) What is the best definition of climate? a) Climate is weather. b) Climate is the average temperature over a long period of time. c) Climate is rainfall over a long period of time. d) Climate is the average weather over a period of time. 7) How do we know that climate has changed in the past? a) The continents have moved position over time. b) Fossil remains of animals not adapted to current climatic conditions. c) It is hotter than 10 years ago. d) It is wetter than 10 years ago. e) Carbon dioxide trapped in ice bubbles is less concentrated than today. f) Britain was once covered by an ice sheet. 8) How long a period is 'climate' usually measured over? a) 2 years b) 10 years c) 30 years d) 100 years 9) Which of these are not issues the Maldives may face due to climate change? a) Increased number of earthquakes b) Rising sea levels. c) Declining fish stocks. d) Declining tourism. e) Erosion of beaches. f) Mass emigration. 10) How do scientists think Britain will be negatively affected by climate change? a) Hot dry summers b) Increased rainfall c) Coastal flooding d) More extreme storms 11) What positives might climate change bring Britain? a) Longer growing season - more crops grown. b) More tourism due to better weather. c) More exotic wildlife. d) Less disease and illness. 12) Which of these are technologies that could reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere? a) Solar power b) Carbon capture devices in power stations c) Nitrogen fuel cells d) More efficient car engines. 13) How could people alter their lifestyles to reduce climate change? a) Reduce, reuse, recycle. b) Walk to school or work. c) Eat less meat. d) Grow their own food.

Climate change quiz


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