1) His lawyer advised him ... the journalist to court. a) take b) to take c) taking 2) I wouldn't advise ... that dog - it might bite you. a) touch b) to touch c) touching 3) You'd better ... because the bank will close soon. a) hurry b) to hurry c) hurrying 4) Why do you keep ... me such silly questions? a) ask b) to ask c) asking 5) I would offer ... you with the housework, but I'm rather busy.  a) help b) to help c) helping 6) Students are not allowed ... during the exam. a) talk b) to talk c) talking 7) They don't allow ... in this park because some boys used to ride around too fast. a) cycle b) to cycle c) cycling 8) I would rather ... until tomorrow before I do anything. a) wait b) to wait c) waiting 9) I might not ... to school tomorrow - I'm getting a sore throat.  a) go b) to go c) going 10) She is afraid ... the lift, so she uses the stairs. a) take b) to take c) taking 11) The question was so difficult that no one could ____ it. a) answer b) to answer c) answering 12) It's hot in here. Do you mind ___ the window? a) open b) to open c) opening 13) The bank manager agreed ____ me $5,000. a) lend b) to lend c) lending 14) She put off ___ her bags until a few hours before her flight. a) pack b) to pack c) packing 15) My parents always make me ____ my homework before I got out. a) do b) to do c) doing 16) She wrote him a note to remind him ____ his laundry at 2o'clock. a) pick up b) to pick up c) picking up 17) Steven is exhausted because he isn't used to  ____ much exercise. a) do b) to doing c) doing 18) They don't let people ____loudly in the library. a) speak b) to speak c) speaking 19) You should practise ____ this tune on the piano until you perfect it. a) play b) to play c) playing 20) We regret ____ you that your application has not been successful. a) inform b) to inform c) informing


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