1) Jack ... a helmet. a) have got b) haven't got c) has got d) hasn't got 2) Tim ... a skateboard. a) has got b) haven't got c) hasn't got d) have got 3) ... Kate ... a guitar? a) Has ... got b) Have ... got 4) Sam and Tom ... trainers. a) have got b) haven't got c) has got d) hasn't got 5) Mike ... a dog. a) haven't got b) hasn't got c) has got d) have got 6) Lucy ... a handbag. a) has got b) have got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 7) Nick ... a basketball. a) have got b) has got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 8) ... Mary ... a bicycle? a) Has ... got b) Have ... got 9) Ted ... a teddy bear. a) has got b) have got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 10) Girls ... scarfs and gloves. a) haven't got b) has got c) have got d) hasn't got

Have got/has got


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