Attribution - Identifying the source of a work, Author/Artist - Creator of a work, Copyright - A form of legal protection given to the creators of "original works of authorship.", Copyright Infringement - A violation of the exclusive rights of a copyright holder, such as copying, distributing, or performing the copyright owner's work without permission unless the use is otherwise authorized by law, Copyright Term - The length of time the law allows copyright owners to hold the exclusive rights on their original works, Derivative Work - A new work that translates or transforms one or more original copyrighted works (a movie made from a comic book, a song written about a photograph), Expression - A form of communication. Creative ideas alone are not copyrightable, but the communication of creative ideas in a fixed medium of expression (a book, play, drawing, film, photo) may be copyrighted, Fair Use - Permits a second user to copy part or all of a copyrighted work under certain circumstances, even when the copyright holder has not given permission or even objects to that use of the work. , File Sharing - The practice of uploading and downloading digital files (text, audio, video or image) to and from a computer network where more than one user has access to those files, License - Permission granted by the copyright holder to copy, distribute, display, transform and/or perform a copyrighted work, Mashup - A genre of derivative works that are built by creatively reusing and combining various portions of music, film, audio and graphics, Parody - An exaggerated, often comical, work that takes elements from the work it comments upon in order to target its point, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Technology - A network of online computers that allows users to share (upload and download) digital files from computer to computer, Plagiarism - The practice of passing off another author's work or ideas as one's own, Public Domain - Works that are not restricted by copyright and do not require a license or fee to use, Remix Culture - Community of creators who blend media and materials to develop new works, and the social context that fosters the growth of that community (memes, fan-fiction, etc) , Stakeholder - A person, group or organization that has a vested interest in the positive or negative outcome of an action,

Copyright Vocabulary



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