onomatopoeia  - sound words, personification - Giving human qualities to objects/animals, metaphor  - a figure of speech in which a word phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable , similes - comparison of 2 or more items using the words “like” or “as”, alliteration - same beginning sounds in words, hyperbole - exaggeration for effect/emphasis , imagery  - description that forms a mental picture using only words , foreshadowing  - hints of what will happen later in a story, setting - where and when a story takes place intro, chronological order - story events that happen in order from beginning to end , flashback  - scene in literature that is set before the current time in a story , rhetorical Questions - questions asked in order to get the reader involved in critically thinking ( not meant to be answered), suspense  - growing feeling of intensity , Symbolism  - an object or image represents bigger idea or theme , repetition  - repeating the same words and phrases in Order to help a reader find meaning ,

literary literature


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