1) All of the following properties help arctic fox to stay warm, except a) thick fur coat b) tan-colored coat. c) short ears. d) short legs. 2) All of the following properties help fennec fox to stay cool, except a) thick fur coat. b) tan-colored coat. c) make panting. d) extra-large ears 3) Bull sharks can live in...... a) fresh water only. b) salt water only. c) seas, rivers and mud. d) rivers, seas and oceans 4) When a panther chameleon stands within leaves of trees, the color of its scales changes into..........color. a) blue b) white c) green d) black 5) ........... is considered as a behavioral adaptation in the panther chameleon. a) Puffing up its body during danger b) Each eye can move independently c) V-shaped feet d) Tail like a hand 6) Bull shark a) short ears and legs b) V-shaped feet c) different body colors d) panting 7) Arctic fox a) short ears and legs b) panting c) different body colors d) V-shaped feet 8) Fennec fox a) V-shaped feet b) panting c) short ears and legs d) different body colors 9) Chameleon a) V-shaped feet b) short ears and legs c) panting d) different body colors 10) The color of fur of fennec fox protects it from a) wind b) hot climate. c) cold weather. d) rains

science grade 4 lesson 2


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