What is one item you couldn’t live without?, If you could only eat one food that people eat in the dumpsite, what would it be?, If you could have dinner with either John Milbank and Clodovis Boff, who would you chose and why would you choose that person?, If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you would you want to be with?, If you could travel to Payatas today, who would you want to talk with there?, If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?, If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?, The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are the 3 people you want on your team?, What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?, If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?, If you could have the power of teleportation right now, where would you go and why?, Would you rather give up your smartphone or your computer?, If you could choose any person from history to be your imaginary friend, who would it be and why?, If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be?, If you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be and why?.
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