some facts from the woman’s life: The woman had a large family with approximately half a dozen children., the lines that describe the woman’s appearance: Her skin was light brown, soft-looking, with light wrinkles around her eyes., She had thick, dark-brown hair that was slightly greying and pulled back in a ponytail., She was wearing casual clothes ..., the lines that describe the woman’s character: Which her children spoke to her ..., She listened as nothing else in the world mattered more than hearing about the game they had just played., She didn't get angry when her daughter got ice-cream on her nice clothes., The love and kindness of this woman ..., She generated warmth like the sun ..., the comparison Marcia makes to show us the woman’s nature: Marcia compares the woman's warmth and the way her children revolve around her to the sun and planets., Marcia emphasises how the woman's kindness and love radiate the positively influence those around her.,

Form 7 Unit 1 Lesson 8


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