1) I work as _____ accountant. a) an b) a c) the d) _____ 2) I work at ___ IT company. ____ company is British. a) a / A b) an / The c) a / The d) ____ / A 3) We went on holiday to ____ Bahamas. a) a b) an c) _____ d) the 4) ____ most beautiful country I have visited is ___ Bolivia. a) The /____ b) The / a c) A / ____ d) ____ / ____ 5) _____ life is great! a) A b) The c) An d) ____ 6) I went to ____ school in _____ afternoon and then went _____ home at 5pm. a) a / _____ / the b) ____ / the / ____ c) the / the / the d) ____ / ____ / the 7) As _____ result of being ____ student, he is not earning money at ____ moment.  a) a / a / the b) an / the / a c) a / a / ____ d) ____ / a / the 8) ____ king of England lives in ____ UK. a) The / ____ b) A / the c) The / the d) _____ / ____ 9) _____ London is _____ large multicultural city. a) The / a b) ____ / a c) ____ / the d) ____ / ____ 10) _____ massive amount of information is accessed on ____Internet every day. a) A / the b) ____ / the c) the / ____ d) A / an 11) I work at ____ hospital in the centre of _____ town. a) ____ / the b) a / the c) an / a d) the / a 12) _____ people who live in _____ Seychelles are isolated. a) _____ / ____ b) The / ____ c) The / the d) _____ / the 13) _____children don't seem to like ____ new Barbie film. a) The / the b) ____ / the c) ____ / a d) ____ / ____ 14) At ____ end of ____ day, ____ truth is I don't really know. a) the / a / a b) the / ____ / the c) the / the / the d) an / a / a 15) Experiencing ____ nature is very important for ____ people's health. a) the / the b) ____ / ____ c) a / a d) the / a 16) I always get to _____ work on time because it's ____ right thing to do. a) the / the b) ____ / ____ c) _____ / a d) _____ / the 17) Look me in ____ eye and tell ____ truth! I know what you said was _____ lie! a) the / the / the b) the / a / the c) the / the / a d) the / ____ / the 18) My father was ____ engineer and went to ____ university in ____ Medellin. a) an / a / ____ b) the / a / the c) an / the / ____ d) an / ____ / ____ 19) At ___ beginning of ____ story, ____ main character becomes ____ overnight success. a) the / the / the / an b) the / a / a / an c) ____ / _____ / the / an d) the / the / a / an 20) In ____ USA, there is ____ law protecting ____ freedom of ____ speech. a) the / a / the / ____ b) the / the / the / the c) the / a / a / a d) the / ____ / ____ / _____




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