Analytical Engine - Considered the first programmable general-purpose computer designed by Charles Babbage in the 1830s. It was never built during his lifetime., Colossus - An early British computer used during World War II to break encrypted German messages. It used vacuum tubes as its primary electronic components., ENIAC - The world's first general-purpose electronic digital computer, developed during World War II. Utilized early transistors, which improved speed and reliability compared to vacuum tubes., UNIVAC - One of the earliest commercially successful mainframe computer series by IBM, introduced in the 1960s. It used magnetic tape storage for data., IBM System/360 - The mainframe used by most organisations during its time because it was easy to upgrade to a better model., IBM PC - The first successful mass-produced personal computer by IBM, released in 1981., Apple II - A highly influential personal computer released in 1977, known for its open architecture. It used floppy disk drives for data storage and expansion slots for peripherals.., Apple Mac - A line of personal computers known for their Graphical User Interfaces, introduced in 1984., Commodore 64 - A popular home computer from the early 1980s, beloved by gamers and hobbyists. It used cassette tapes for some data storage and punched cards., Altair 8800 - An early microcomputer kit with an Intel 8080 CPU, 256 bytes of RAM, and no built-in storage.,

Notable computers throughout history


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