Do you have siblings?, What are your 5 favorite foods?, What is your favorite place in Montería?, Do you have any favorite books?, What is your favorite song?, What do you do on a typical day?, What is your favorite social network and why?, What did you have for breakfast yesterday?, Ask a question to the teacher, What is your favorite place?, What is your favorite TV show?, Who do you live with?, What type of movies do you like?, Ask a question to the teacher, Do you play any sports?, Who are your closest friends?, What do you usually do on vacations?, What's your favorite food?, Ask a question to the teacher., Do you have a pet? , What do you usually do on a Saturday?, Tell us about your family, What are your plans for next weekend?, What are 3 things you dislike doing in your free time?, Where do you live? Do you like the area?.

A2-Getting to know each other


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