Always be 20 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?, Look like Donald Duck or be like Donald Duck?, Never use Google again or never use Instagram again?, Have your face on a 50 euro note or have your face on a 10 euro note?, Eat a hamburger with hot dog bread or eat a hot dog with hamburger bread?, Get one hundred thousand euros or get a magical coin?, You are not allowed to brush your hair for the next two years or you are not allowed to brush your teeth for the next six months?, Never listen to music again or never speak English again?, Your father decides what you will eat for the next three years or your teacher is your new neighbour?, You can't remember your phone number or your friends can't remember your phone number?, You never know what day it is or you can't use your cell phone again?, Everytime you are really angry you start to laugh for about 10 minutes or every time your phone rings you start to jump like a frog and talk like a frog?, Know every language in the world except Swedish and English or only know Swedish?, Snow at Midsummer or rain at Christmas?, Always forget your pin code or always forget your mother's birthday?, You can't watch Youtube again or you can't watch TV again?, You have to walk around with flippers all year round or everytime someone says your name you have to sing for one minute?, Always have a stone in your shoe or always have wet socks?, Go two days without sleeping or go sleepwalking for two days?, Snakes that can fly or spiders that can be as big as a car?, Travel back in time or meet yourself as 90 years old?, Never eat breakfast again or never eat pizza again?, Always have chewing gum in your hair or never eat candy again?, Have a tail or have two horns?, Never send a text message from your cell phone again or never take a selfie again?, Be 10 meters tall or be 10 centimeters tall?, Have to tidy your room every day or never tidy your room?, It rains all summer or you have to do homework during the summer?, Never know your teachers' names or the teachers never know your name?.
Warm up speaking
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