get on with - to have a good/ bad relationship, walk out on - to abandon or leave, go through with - to complete something, live up to - to match or equal, run out of - to use all of your supply of something, sign up to - to agree to do something, catch up with - to succeed in finding or reaching somebody, fit in with - to look and act as part of a group, put up with - to tolerate or be patient about something, look up - to search for information in a book, look up to - to respect and admire somebody, get away - to succeed in leaving or escaping from somebody or a place, get away with - to do something bad and not be punished, make up - to invent something, often that is not true, make up for - to do that corrects a bad situation, get up - to get out of bed, get up to - to be busy with something, especially something secret, go in - to enter, go in for - to do something as a hobby, go back - to return to a place, go back on - to break a promise, an agreement, etc. ,

Phrasal Verbs (1) Solutions B1



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