1) You have 23 apples and you eat 8, how many apples left? a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 d) 13 e) 14 f) 12 2) Which question is correct? a) 77-46=51 b) 2×6=13 c) 7-1=4 d) 69-44=35 e) 12×2=28 f) 8×6=48 3) John has 12 bears. He gives 12, how many bears left? a) 1 b) 5 c) 0 d) 3 e) 2 f) 4 4) How many digits of this number is there? -) 0999152001628 a) 14 b) 13 c) 12 d) 16 e) 11 f) 15 5) What's 30+2? a) 31 b) 34 c) 35 d) 32 e) 30 f) 36 6) Everything's correct. a) Correct 1 b) Correct 2 c) Correct 3 d) Correct 4 e) Correct 5 f) Correct 6 7) Goodbye 👋 a) See ya! b) Goodbye! c) Bye! d) Finally e) Ok f) I wanna go!


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