difficulty - 难点, fill up - 填平, realistic - 现实, different things appeal to different people - 青菜萝卜,各有所爱, to be in tune with - 协调, to show favouritism - 偏爱, mode, way - 模式, to impose - 强加, impulsive - 冲动, foundation - 基础, to take part in - 参与, harmonious - 和睦, likes and dislikes - 好恶, standard - 标准, eager - 渴望, annoyance - 烦躁, rebellious - 逆反, impatience - 浮躁, so as to avoid - 省得, adverse effect - 反效果, lenient - 宽容,

S3E lesson 5 代沟 游戏三



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