1) Although the politician spoke at length about the importance of environmental conservation, her speech was filled with ________, offering no concrete plans or specific ideas. a) fallacies b) platitudes c) coherent d) inquisitive 2) The scientist was able to ________ the theory that climate change is not affected by human activities, providing extensive data and research to support her position. a) demur b) refute c) assert d) equivocal 3) Even though the evidence presented in the court was substantial, the lawyer's argument was not ________, making it difficult for the jury to follow his line of reasoning. a) mundane b) dubious c) coherent d) equivocal 4) The child's ________ nature led him to ask countless questions about the world around him, eager to learn and understand as much as possible. a) platitudinous b) fallacious c) inquisitive d) mundane 5) The manager's instructions were ________, leaving the employees unsure of what was actually expected of them and leading to confusion and inefficiency. a) coherent b) equivocal c) dubious d) assertive 6) Despite the overwhelming evidence contradicting his beliefs, he continued to ________ that his theory was correct, refusing to acknowledge any alternative explanations. a) demur b) assert c) refute d) equivocate 7) Many found her claims about the new product's capabilities to be ________, doubting whether it could really perform as well as she suggested. a) inquisitive b) mundane c) dubious d) platitudinous 8) Instead of providing a thoughtful response to the criticism, he offered a ________ that did little to address the actual issues at hand. a) platitude b) fallacy c) coherent d) inquisitive 9) The professor encouraged his students to avoid ________ in their arguments, emphasizing the importance of logical consistency and evidence-based reasoning. a) mundane b) platitudes c) fallacies d) inquisitiveness 10) When asked about her plans for the weekend, she gave a ________ response, leaving her friends puzzled about whether she would be available or not. a) mundane b) equivocal c) assertive d) coherent

SAT Context Quiz 6



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