1) At our school we _______ wear a uniform. a) must b) have to 2) The exams are next week. I _______ work harder. a) must b) have to 3) Students __________ listen to the teacher if they want to understand. a) must b) have to 4) We __________ leave now or we'll miss the plane. a) must b) have to 5) Soldiers __________ obey orders. a) must b) have to 6) Sorry, I __________ go now. I don't want to be late. a) must b) have to 7) Shop assistants ________ deal with the public. a) must b) have to 8) I _________ wait a long time for the bus. It won't be here for half an hour. a) must b) have to 9) The doctor says I ____________ wear glasses because I can't see very well. a) must b) have to 10) You __________ read this book. It's really good. a) must b) have to 11) In Britain you __________ drive on the left. a) must b) have to 12) Doctors sometimes __________ work at the weekend. a) must b) have to 13) We _________ be quiet in the library. a) must b) have to 14) You ___________ believe me! a) must b) have to 15) My parents say I ___________ ask for a permission to play on my Playstation. a) must b) have to 16) Karen ___________ finish writing her work report. a) must b) has to



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