1) 1.What's the girl doing? a) She is riding a bike. b) She are riding a bike. c) He is riding a bike. d) I am riding a bike. e) I are riding a bike. 2) 2. What's the boy doing? a) She is jumping on trampoline. b) She are jumping on trampoline. c) He am jumping on trampoline. d) He is jumping on trampoline. e) I are jumping on trampoline. 3) 3. What are you doing? a) She is learning English. b) He am learning English. c) He is learning English. d) I am learning English. e) I are learning English. 4) 4. What are we doing? a) We is playing a game. b) We are playing a game. c) I am playing a game. d) They am playing a game. e) They are playing a game. 5) 5.What are you doing? a) We is clicking the button. b) We are clicking the button. c) I am clicking the button. d) I is clicking the button. e) They are clicking the button. 6) 6. What are they doing? a) We is shouting. b) We are shouting. c) I am shouting. d) They am shouting. e) They are shouting. 7) 7. What are they doing? a) We are watching a game b) They are watching a game c) They go watching a game d) They is watching a game e) They play a game 8) 8. What is he doing? a) He reading a comic b) He is read a comic c) He is reading a comic d) He are reading a comic e) The boy is read a comic 9) 9. What are they doing? a) Children paint pictures. b) They paint pictures c) They are painting pictures d) They are painting a pictures e) They painting pictures 10) What Am I doing? a) I am sloping b) I are sleeping c) I am Sleeping d) He is Sleeping e) Am i sleeping.

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