1) None of the phones were left when we got to the shop.... TIME a) AT THE TIME WE GOT the shop, all the phones had been sold. b) BY THE TIME WE GOT TO the shop, all the phones had been sold. c) AROUND THE TIME WE GOT TO the shop, all the phones had been sold. 2) I didn't know it was Carl until he took off his hat....WHEN a) Only  WHEN HE TOOK OFF his hat did I recognise Carl. b) Only WHEN HE TOOKS OFF his hat did I recognise Carl. c) Only WHEN HE TAKE OFF his hat did I recognise Carl / his hat, I RE 3) Don't waste your time asking Bryan to come with us.... WORTH a) It's NOT WORTH OUR TIME ASKING BRIAN to come with us. b) It's  NOT WORTH YOUR TIME ASKING BRIAN to come with us. c) It's WORTHLESS TAKING YOUR TIME ASKING BRIAN to come with us. 4) Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa....HAVE a) Might Johan have heard the story from Pippa? b) John might have heard the story from Pippa. c) John may have heard the story from Pippa. 5) Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa....HAVE a) Have Pippa might tell John the story. b) Pippa could've have told John the story. c) Pippa might have told John the story. 6) Until they fire me as manager here, I'll run the company my way....LONG a) As long as I am the boss, I'll run the company my way. b) Long as I am the boss, I'll run the company my way. c) For how long as I am the boss I will run the company my way. 7) The school's management are investigating allegations of teacher brutality....INTO  a) Allegations of teacher brutality are been looked into by the school's management. b) Allegations of teacher brutality being looked into  the school's management. c) Allegations of teacher brutality are being looked into by the school's management. 8) It's not possible that you saw Mary last night, she was with us!...HAVE a) You could not have seen Mary  last night, she was with us! b) You  couldn't have not seen Mary last night, she was with us! c) You hadn't seen Mary last night, she was with us! 9) The beach was fun even though it was too cold.... FACT a) Despite the fact that the beach was too cold, the beach was fun. b) Despite the fact that the beach was not too cold, the beach was fun. c) Despite fact that the beach was too cold, the beach was fun.

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