1) SIMPLE PRESENT a) Unplanned future action b) Used for something scheduled c) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past d) future events that usually didn’t come true 2) PRESENT CONTINUOUS a) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past b) Situation in progress at a particular point in the future c) Completely arranged future action d) Future events that came true or didn’t 3) TO BE GOING TO a) Planned future action b) Unplanned future action c) Completely arranged future action d) To focus on the length of a future process 4) WILL a) Situation in progress at a particular point in the future b) Planned future action c) Future action about to be done d) Unplanned future action 5) FUTURE CONTINUOUS  ( will be - ing) a) Describe situations that will be completed before a particular point in the future b) Situation in progress at a particular point in the future c) To focus on the length of a future process d) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past 6) FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE ( will have + past participle) a) Situation in progress at a particular point in the future b) To focus on the length of a future process c) Describe situations that will be completed before a particular poiunt in the future d) Future events that came true or didn’t 7) FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS ( will have been + ing) a) Describe situations that will be completed before a particular point in the future b) Future action about to be done c) Completely arranged future action d) To focus on the length of a future process 8) BE ON THE VERGE OF -ING a) Future action about to be done b) Future action that must be done c) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past d) Usually in a secondary clause 9) BE DUE TO +INFINITIVE a) Future action about to be done b) Future action that must be done c) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past d) Usually in a secondary clause 10) FUTURE IN THE PAST : was were going to a) Plannes action not yet be done at a particular point in the past b) Future events that didn’t come true c) Future events that came true or didn’t d) Something that was going to happen soon 11) FUTURE IN THE PAST: would + infinitive a) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past b) Usually in a secondary clause c) Future events that came true or didn’t d) Future events that didn’t come true 12) FUTURE IN THE PAST:  was/were to + infinitive a) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past b) Usually in a secondary clause c) Future events that came true or didn’t d) Something that was going to happen soon 13) FUTURE IN THE PAST:  was/were to + perfect infinitive a) Planned action not yet be done at a particular point in the past b) Usually in a secondary clause c) Future events that came true or didn’t d) Future events that didn’t come true 14) FUTURE IN THE PAST: was/were about to + infinitive a) Something that was going to happen soon b) future events that usually didn’t come true c) Future events that came true or didn’t d) Future actions that must be done




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