Natural selection - The process by which evolution happens or 'survival of the fittest'. , Evolution - The theory that states that all species on Earth came from a common ancestor millions of years ago. , Charles Darwin - The scientists who came up with the theory of evolution., Genes - These are parts of DNA that contain instructions for characteristics like hair or eye colour., Offspring - Another word for an animal's young ('children'). , Inherited characteristics - Features, like hair and eye colour, that are passed on to offspring. , Extinction - A word that means when all of an animal species dies out. , Fossils  - Preserved remains of animals. Proved that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. , Species - Able to produce fertile offspring, Finches - The bird species that helped Darwin develop his theory of evolution by natural selection. , adaptation - to change to be better suited to survive in your environment, mutation - a change in DNA can cause a new trait to appear, common ancestor - ancestral organisms shared by two or more organisms, fitness - an organisms reproductive success, survival of the fittest - also known as natural selection,



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