African Kings: Trading of fellow Africans with European slave traders, Accepted manilas as a form of payment, Profited from the capture and enslavement of their own people, Started wars with other tribes as an excuse to capture more people to sell into slavery, European Slave Traders: European Slave Traders, Brought cheap manufactured goods to the African coast, Made huge profits in Europe selling goods brought from The Americas, Sold goods like cotton, tobacco and coffee in Europe for huge profits, Transported enslaved Africans along the horrific Middle Passage journey, Other roles played: Other roles played, European settlers who owned plantations in The Americas, The British Royal Family were investors in the trade, Working people relied on the trade (i.e. factory workers, ship builders), Anyone who used the products of the trade (i.e. sugar, tobacco, cotton or coffee),

Who was to blame for the transatlantic slave trade?


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