1) Name the feeling. a) sad b) homesick c) happy d) embarrased 2) Name the feeling. a) scared b) angry c) tired d) afraid 3) Name the feeling. a) disgusted b) tired c) happy d) bored 4) Name the feeling. a) bored b) angry c) tired d) hungry 5) Name the feeling. a) hungry b) sad c) worried d) thirsty 6) Name the feeling. a) bored b) proud c) nervous d) sad 7) Name the feeling. a) scared b) sad c) excited d) nervous 8) Name the feeling. a) surprised b) relaxed c) miserable d) sick 9) Name the feeling. a) furious b) surprised c) thirsty d) sad 10) Name the feeling. a) thirsty b) happy c) hungry d) angry 11) Name the feeling. a) sad b) disgusted c) hungry d) angry 12) Name the feeling. a) sad b) proud c) scared d) worried 13) Name the feeling. a) shocked b) excited c) curious d) hungry 14) Name the feeling. a) tired b) sad c) disgusted d) sick 15) Name the feeling. a) nervous b) proud c) sad d) angry

English (Feelings and Emotions)


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