opening: Hi James,, Hello Kate,, It's been ages since we last spoke, Sorry for not being in touch for so long, What are you up to these days?, expressing thanks: Thanks a million for your recommendation!, Cheers for telling me about that place, I love it!, I really appreciat your help., Many thanks for your last letter, giving news: Guess what!, Great news James, I got the scolarship!, Unfortunately, I've got some bad news for you., I'm afraid I've got some bad news., responding to news: That's fantastic/awful news!, I was delighted to hear about your success., Congrats!, Is there anything I can do?, Sorry to hear that you failed your final exam., I'm thrilled for you., offering advice / making suggestions: If I were you, I'd talk to him., You simply have to be honest about how you feel., Have you thought about changing school?, The best thing to do is to confront the bully!, Why don't you try yoga?, closing: Well that's all for now., I must dash, Do write soon, Looking forward to hearing from you, Give my love to your family, Can't wait to meet you next week, Take care, Changing topic / introducing a new topic: That reminds me,... / That reminds me of..., Anyway, ..., By the way, ..., Oh, before I forget, ..., Speaking of...,

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