state courts of limited jurisdiction - Are restricted to hearing minor or less serious civil and criminal cases., courts of general jurisdiction - Responsible for handling more serious felony cases, such as murder, rape, and robbery, and civil cases where damages are over a specific amount, such as 10,000. They may also be responsible for reviewing cases on appeal from courts of limited jurisdiction, appellate court - They review the procedures of the case to determine whether an error was made by judicial authorities., court of last resort - A State Supreme Court, which reviews issues of law and fact appeal from trial courts., Writ Of Certiorari- - A transcript of the proceedings, of the case for review , Jury Trial - The process of deciding a case by a group of persons selected and sworn in to serve as jurors at a criminal trial, often as a 6- or 12-person jury, US Magistrate Judge- - A federal trial judge who is appointed by a district court judge and who presides over various civil cases with the consent of the parties and over certain misdemeanor cases., Missouri Plan - A method of picking judges through nonpartisan elections as a way to ensure that judges adhere to high standards of judicial performance., prosecutor - Representative of the state (executive branch) in criminal proceedings: advocate for the state’s case- the charge in the adversary trial., public defender - An attorney usually employed ( a no cost to the accused) by the government to represent poor persons accused of a crime., adversarial procedure - The process of publicly pitting the prosecution and the defense against one another in pursuit of the truth., Sixth Amendment - The U.S Constitutional amendment containing various criminal rights, such as the right to public trial, the right to trial by jury, and the right to confrontation of witnesses., Gideon v. Wainwright - The 1963 US Supreme Court case that granted counsel to indigent defendants in felony prosecutions., assigned counsel - A lawyer appointed by the court to represent a defendant in a criminal case because the person is too poor to hire counsel., contract system (attorney) - Providing counsel to indigent offenders by having attorneys under contract to the county handle all (or some) such ca, Landmark Decision - A decision handed down by the US Supreme Court that becomes the law of the land and serves as a precedent for resolving similar legal issues.,

Key Terms- Unit 2 ( Criminal Justice).



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