Makharij means the ____ of where the ____ of a letter is made and it is different from other sounds. There are ____ places of articulation. THE FIVE PLACES OF ARTICULATION: The ____ cavity The throat The ____ The two ____ The nasal cavity Al-Jawf means the ____ ____. It is the area from where the ____ begin to where the throat ends. It is a hollow area that produces three ____ stretched sounds. 1. Alif Maddiyah (A ____ followed by an alif saakinah) 2. Waw Maddiyah (A ____ followed by a waw saakinah) 3. Yaa Maddiyah (A ____ followed by a yaa saakinah) Al-Halq means the ____ which stretches from where the tongue ends and goes all the way down to where the chest begins. The throat has ____ points of articulation and ____ Arabic letters are found in the throat. 1. Aqsa al-halq: The furthest part of the throat. 2. Wasat al-halq: The ____ part of the throat. 3. Adna al-halq: The nearest part of the throat. Al-Lisan means: The ____ which stretches from the tip near the upper front teeth to all the way back where the throat begins. There are 10 points of articulation for ____ Arabic letters. These 10 makharij are divided into 2 groups: 1. Makharij which comes from the ____ of the tongue. 2. Makharij which does not come from the tip of the tongue. There are 5 articulation points which comes from the ____ of the tongue. 1. The tip of the tongue touches the ____ of the upper front teeth. 2. The tip of the tongue and a bit of its back touches the gums of the top upper front teeth. 3. The tips of the tongue touches the roots of the upper front teeth. 4. The tip of the tongue touches the inner walls of the bottom, leaving a ____ between the tongue and the teeth. 5. The tip of the tongue touches just the edges of the upper ____ teeth. There are 5 articulation points which does not come from the tip of the tongue. 1. Back of the tongue that is closest to the throat and it is parallel to the upper palate from the ____ area. 2. Back of the tongue but it is slightly closer to the tip of the tongue. It is parallel to the upper palate from the hard area. 3. The ____ part of tongue is parallel to the upper palate. 4. One side of the tongue: Either left or ____ is parallel to the upper molar or ____ teeth. 5. The closest side of the tongue closest to the tip of the tongue: It is parallel to the gums of the upper front teeth. Ash-Shafatain means the ____. The lips has 2 articulation points. 1. The inner side of the lower lip with the tips of the upper front teeth. 2. In between the lips: - Open the lips and at the same time ____ the lips. - Start with ____ lips and then open slightly. Al-Khaishum means the ____, it is the area of the nose and the sinuses. This area is used to make the humming sound of ____. Ghunnah is a nasal sound produced from the ____. It is a required characteristics of the letters: ن م.

DEFINITION: Points of Articulation


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