testing frequency - at least once per year, circ. for - prevent HPV and HSV, vaccinations - HPV, Hep A, Hep B, 5 Ps - partners, practices, protection, past history, prevention of pg, STI entry portals - mouth, genitals, anus, rectum, skin, risk factors - >1 partner, new partner, money exch., women under 25, drug/alcohol, another STI, women, MSM, assess current complaint - onset, duration, severity, precipitation/relieve factors, source, 90% clear in 2 yrs - HPV clearance, HPV malignancies - cervix, vulva, penis, anus, throat, time for warts - 3 wks to 8 months, pass thru birth - HPV, HSV-2, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis (in utero), HSV reactivation - trauma, UV, temps, stress, immune, surgery, laser, hormones, HSV 2-12 days - painful vesicles form, HSV manifestations - flu-like, lymph swelling, dysuria, urinary retention, nerve pain, HSV blisters - break, infectious 2-4 weeks, HSV dysuria - pour water over genitals, HSV newborn - brain damage, blindness, death to baby, HSV testing - physical exam, viral culture, PCR, 1-3 weeks - chlamydia incubation, within 4 wks - chlamydia symptoms subside in 2/3rd of people, azithromycin (1 dose) - chlamydia treatment, even pg women with ceftriaxone 250 IM, doxycycline - may be used for rectal chlamydia, PID - caused by chlamydia, gonorrhea, infertility - untreated chlamydia in men, caused by chlamydia - sexually acquired reactive arthritis, reportable - chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia newborns - chlamydial conjunctivitis, pneumonia, gonnorrhea infects - eyes, urethra and cervix (most common), pharynx, rectum, gonorrhea incubation - 1-14 days men, 10 days women, rectal gonorrhea - asymptomatic,

STI grab bag



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