Hospital - Laila went to see her mother in the hospital. Where is Laila's mother?, Nicolai - Nicolai visited the grave of her sister. Who visited the grave?, Theme - It is the Central idea of a story., Setting - Me and my friends plan to have a dinner at beach. What element of a story is "Beach"?, Plot - It is also known as the sequence or series of Event in a story., Yesterday - Yesterday, Larry forgot to close the Faucet. When did Larry forgot to close the faucet?, Caring - Riana feel sad when her friend is crying because she forgot to bring her money. So she decided to share her food with her classmate. What do you think is the theme of the story?, Vigan City - once a upon a time, Nicole's mother went to Vigan City. Where did Nicole's mother go?, Character - It refers to a person, animals and object in a story., First Person - It is a point of view which the narrator tell the story from his/her own perspective.,

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