Me gusta comer sandía porque es dulce - I like to eat watermelon because it is sweet., No me gusta comer panqueque porque son secos. - I don't like to eat pancakes because they're dryI like to eat bacon, No me gusta beber agua porque es malo - I don't like to drink water because it is bad, No como tocino porque es grasiento cafe - I don't eat bacon because it is greasy, No bebo café porque es asqueroso - I don't drink coffee because it is disgusting, Tomo un batido de fresa porque es refrescante - I drink a strawberry smoothie because it is refreshing., Como la naranja porque es jugosa - I eat oranges because they are juicy, Duro - Hard, Delicioso - Delicious, Asqueroso - Disgusting, Rico - Yummy, Refrescante - Refreshing, Jugoso - Juicy, Crujiente - Crunchy, Malo - Bad, Bueno - Good, Dulce - Sweet, Como pasteles porque son ricos - I eat patries because they're yummy., Coctel de fruta - Fruit Salad, SandÍa - Watermelon, Pan tostado - Toast, Pasteles - Pastries, pan - Bread, Un batido de fresa - Strawberry smoothie, Jugo de naranja - Orange Juice, Agua - Water, fruta - Fruit, Huevos fritos - Fried eggs, huevos revueltos - Scrambled Eggs, Los cereales - cereal,
(L3) Desayuno, Opinions, Nouns & Adjectives
Year 7
Year 8
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