1) Which of the following gases is considered a greenhouse gas? a) NITROGEN b) OXYGEN c) WATER VAPOR d) HELIUM 2) Which human activity is the largest contributor to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions? a) AGRICULTURE b) TRANSPORTATION c) WASTE MANAGEMENT d) ENERGY PRODUCTION 3) Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. Which of the following is a significant source of methane emissions? a) DEFORESTATION b) INDUSTRIAL PROCESS c) LIVESTOCK FARMING d) SOLAR ENERGY PRODUCTION 4) Which greenhouse gas is primarily responsible for trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere? a) CARBON DIOXIDE b) METHANE c) NITROUS OXIDE d) WATER VAPOR 5) What is the main human activity responsible for the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? a) BURNING FOSSIL FUELS b) DEFORESTATION c) VOLCANIC ERUPTION d) OCEAN CURRENTS 6) Which action can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? a) Increase coal consumption b) Using energy-efficient appliances c) Cutting down more trees d) Encouraging more car usage 7) Which of the following is not a consequence of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere? a) Rising sea levels b) More frequent hurricanes c) Colder winter d) Shifts in ecosystems 8) Which greenhouse gas is released from landfills and agricultural activities such as rice cultivation? a) Methane b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrous oxide d) Ozone 9) How does the destruction of forests contribute to greenhouse gas emissions? a) It releases methane b) It reduces the absorption of carbon dioxide c) It produces ozone d) It enhances the greenhouse effect 10) Which sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases globally? a) Industrial b) Residential c) Agricultural d) Commercial



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