A couple of months ago, I was walking in the park. After a while, I sat on a bench to eat a sandwich. Just as I was leaving, I noticed a purse under the bench. I opened the purse to look for a name or an address, but there was nothing in it except for … a $100 bill! I was so shocked! Who would leave $100 in an empty purse? Anyway, I thought maybe it was just good luck or something, so I put the $100 in my pocket and threw the purse in the nearest trash can. I spent the money on a very cool pair of sneakers. My girlfriend doesn’t approve and says my values aren’t too good. Yikes!, Hey, I hope you can help. I went on a road trip from New York to Los Angeles in May. No big deal, right? Well, the issue was that I went on my own. My car broke down several times, and that cost me all my savings, so I borrowed money from friends along the way. Now I can’t repay the money for a while, so everyone has to be patient and wait. That’s what friends are for, I think. Some of them seem angry with me.,

What could/should ..? (B)


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